Scientific contributions

Participants are invited to present contributions in the form of posters  or short oral presentations. Abstracts should be sent by the 1st of June.
Please, send your Abstract as an MS Word file (.doc or docx) to:, indicating your availability for a short oral presentation (10-15 minutes).
Its acceptance for either a poster  or an oral presentation will be notified on the 20th of June.

The abstract should be no more than 2200 characters long (spaces included).

1) Title: Times New Roman, 14 points, boldface and centered.
2) Authors: Times New Roman 12, use superscripts 1,2,3 for affiliations, underline presenting author. Authors' full names should be separated by a comma.
Affiliation: Times New Roman, 10 points. The address should include: Institution, Department, City, Country and e-mail of the presenting Author.
3) Main text: Times New Roman 12 points.Single line spacing. Justified.
4) Figures: They should be saved as separate files (100x150 mm) in JPEG format, in black and white and should have a resolution of 300 dpi.

0.70 m x 1.00 m (width and height, respectively)



